All You Need to know to dive With Contact Lenses

Beginner divers wearing contact lens often feared during their formation to take out their mask thinking they will lose their contact lens. Is there any risk using contact lens while scuba diving?
Contact lens and diving
No stress, there is no risk, you just need to know few rules and everything will be ok. First of all before diving tell your instructor that you are wearing contact lens. During exercises without the mask the instructor will let you close your eyes. Once the mask back on your face and empty of water (the instructor will teach you how to do), your teacher will touch your shoulder telling that you can open your eyes without any risk. However better chose soft contact lens. Moreover, do not fear eyes infection, the risk is less than 1/10000. If after your dive you get red and itchy eyes, do not hesitate to go and see you ophthalmologist. In the case your eyes are really dry after the immersion, just use eye drops to release your discomfort.

Optical corrective diving mask
Another solution is to buy a mask equipped with correctives glass. But be careful, those mask are quite fragile, so be sure to have a spare just in case.
Can I open my eyes in the water if I have contact lens?
Yes you can open your eayes underwater with contact lens. I was dive instructor for 3 years, diving every single day and I wear soft contact lens so i can answer this question. I never had any problem opening my eyes underwater without my mask. When I had to demonstrate exercises for the Open Water Diver course, I had to show how to take out the mask underwater to my student, sometime 10 times a day with my eyes wide open. I never lost any lens 🙂
The salt water density is different than the lachrymal liquid that is why contact lens will always stick to your eyes. However, it is different in a swimming pool with fresh water. Now you know that you risk nothing, you can go diving without any doubt!
This seems like the other info I found earlier