Why Do We Care About Tourism?
Tourism contributes to the global economy with 7% of world exports, equal to 1.4 trillion dollars, equivalent to 30% of service exports, to achieve 10% of global GDP, as it contributes positive contributions in most sectors, as it contributes to creating and providing job opportunities by 1 : 10 job opportunities
In Egypt, a strategic plan has been drawn up for Egypt’s Vision 2030, in which tourism contributes to 17 sustainable development goals and 169 related goals.
Where tourism contributes to achieving all the goals of sustainable development directly and indirectly, and in this regard, some terms in the tourism field can be defined so that the reader can understand the tourism development plans related to tourism as follows:
1. Direct contribution: what the tourist spends directly and is directed to hotels, travel agents, airlines and other passenger transport services, in addition to restaurants, shops, tourist attractions, diving centers, marine activities and other areas of entertainment.
2. Indirect contribution: spending on external goods and services such as marketing, public relations, cleaning and maintenance, energy providers, restaurants, food production, design and printing.
3. Employment: job creation – spending on salaries, wages, profits and taxes.
4. Generating contribution: spending on the infrastructure, agriculture, technology, real estate, telecommunications, education and banking, health care … and others.
Tourism has also been directly included in the goals of three goals in Egypt’s Vision 2030.
So, What is Egypt’s Tourism Vision 2030?
“Achieving sustainable tourism development through the formulation and implementation of structural reforms aimed at raising the competitiveness of the Egyptian tourism sector and in line with global trends.”
The strategic perspective of structural reform for the development of the tourism sector.
In order for the tourism industry to be able to take off from its current situation to achieve the aforementioned vision, a radical change must be made in the axes that affect this pivotal sector in the Egyptian economy, namely:
1- Institutional Reform
2- Legislative reform.
3- Promotion and activation.
4- Infrastructure and investment
5- Modern tourism trends
This is what we will talk about in more detail in the next articles.