Scuba Diving

Viagra could save diver’s lives

Viagra does not only serve to fight against erectile dysfunctions, it might save divers’ lives suffering from pulmonary edema.

Viagra, miracle cure ?

For information, pulmonary edema is a potentially fatal accident that may occur during a scuba dive. The diver in addition of having breathing difficulties can spit blood and see the oxygenation of the blood decreased. Dr. Richard Moon, sports doctor,  has conducted an experience with a group of athletes. The absorption of the molecule, after a triathlon, led to a decrease of the blood pressure in the lungs. That would make this drug a potential cure after diving accident.
But caution!!! Be aware that taking viagra before diving increase the risk of decompression sickness! A study on a laboratory rat has just proved it, so be sure to use the blue pill as indicated on its instructions.

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